Historical Hail data for 1901-1994

Midwestern Regional Climate Center
Illinois State Water Survey
2204 Griffith Drive
Champaign, IL 61820-7495
217-244-8226 (phone)
217-244-0220 (fax) (e-mail)

This CD-ROM contains historical (1901-1994) hail-day frequency data for 1,061 weather stations in 27 states with the greatest hail loss in the contiguous U.S. (Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, High Plains, Midwest, Ohio Valley, and Southeast). The data from 22 first order stations in the 21 other states are also included. The hail-day data underwent extensive testing for quality

A third data set for the 27 states are the annual loss cost values based on crop-hail insurance records for 1949-1994. Loss cost is determined by annual losses divided by annual liability multiplied by $100, a value that normalizes for past differences in dollars and liability.

This CD-ROM was created by Changnon Climatologist, Mahomet, IL. The project to obtain and assess the hail data and to create the hail database on this CD-ROM was funded under grant NA76GP0439 from the Office of Global Programs of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as part of the NOAA/NASA Enhanced Data Set Project, and included funds from NASA's Mission to Planet Earth and NOAA.

Si tratta di un interessante CD, estremamente spartano e conciso sul piano della presentazione dei dati (tabelle numeriche accompagnate da una sintesi sull'intero territorio degli Stati Uniti) ma  rimarchevole sul piano dei contenuti. In un paese dalla superficie di 9,63 milioni di km2 (circa 30 volte l'Italia) questa raccolta organica e capillare di dati archiviati secondo un unico standard, oltre che costituire una base informativa di indubbio valore scientifico e applicativo, induce a riflettere sull'attuale stato di dispersione e disomogeneità della nostra italica climatologia. 

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