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Risk type: ice avalanches

Glacier list | Statistics

Type:  Hanging glacier
Country:  Austria
Region:  Salzburg
Massif/Ice Cap:  Großglockner mountains
Municipality:  Fusch
Municipality code:  
Location:  The glacier is situated in the upper part of the Fuscher valley, the small Käfer-valley in Salzburg just west of the famous Großglockner high-alpine-road. The border of the counties Carinthia and Salzburg is crossing the glacier in the middle. About 70 events are documented since 1933, 6 of them (the biggest events) are mentioned in the database
Latitude (°, cent):  47,07 N
Longitude (°, cent):  12,44 E
Surface (km2):  3,4
Lenght (km):  4,1
Width (km):  1,4
Min. altitude (m):  2700
Max. altitude (m):  3360
Orientation (°)  130
Slope (°)  22

EVENT:  Date  26/6/2003 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  An ice avalanche with a volume of about 500.000 m³ came down in the Käfervalley. The accumulation area was documented by laser scanning. A photo documentation of the whole accumulation area and breaking off - zone exists.
Effects:  pasture land was affected
Injuried (#)  


Type:  Agricolture Description:


EVENT:  Date  19/7/1993 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  an ice avalanche with a volume of about 1,5-2,5 million m³ of ice came down to the ground of the Käfer valley
Effects:  agricultural damage of pasture land
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  last big event, since that time only avalanches with a maximum volume of 500.000 m³


Type:   Description:


EVENT:  Date  7/10/1975 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  an ice avalanche with a volume of about 2-3 million m³ of ice came down to the ground of the Käfer valley
Effects:  agricultural damage of pasture land
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  4 year period after last big avalanche


Type:   Description:


KETTNER, G, 1982 - Die Eisstürze vom Nördlichen Bockkarkees und ihre Auswirkungen Thesis University of Salzburg, 77 p.
ROHRBACHER, S, 1983 - Volumsänderungen von Gletschern an ausgewählten Beispielen Thesis University of Salzburg

EVENT:  Date  2/7/1971 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  an ice avalanche with a volume of about 2-3 million m³ of ice came down to the ground of the Käfer valley
Effects:  agricultural damage of wood and pasture land
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  4 year period after last big avalanche


Type:   Description:


KETTNER, G, 1982 - Die Eisstürze vom Nördlichen Bockkarkees und ihre Auswirkungen Thesis University of Salzburg, 77 p.
ROHRBACHER, S, 1983 - Volumsänderungen von Gletschern an ausgewählten Beispielen Thesis University of Salzburg

EVENT:  Date  21/8/1967 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  an ice avalanche with a volume of about 1,5-2,0 million m³ of ice came down to the ground of the Käfer valley
Effects:  agricultural damage of wood and pasture land
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  3 year period after last big avalanche


Type:   Description:


KETTNER, G, 1982 - Die Eisstürze vom Nördlichen Bockkarkees und ihre Auswirkungen Thesis University of Salzburg, 77 p.
ROHRBACHER, S, 1983 - Volumsänderungen von Gletschern an ausgewählten Beispielen Thesis University of Salzburg
Vivian, R., 1975 - Les glaciers des Alpes occidentales Thèse d'état, Imprimerie Allier, Grenoble, p.350

EVENT:  Date  21/7/1964 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  an ice avalanche with a volume of about 2-3 million m³ of ice came down to the ground of the Käfer valley
Effects:  agricultural damage of wood and pasture land.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  starting with this event in 1964 bigger avalanches came down every 3 or 4 years. Obviously this was the beginning of the glacier advance resulting in the peak around 1980


Type:   Description:


KETTNER, G, 1982 - Die Eisstürze vom Nördlichen Bockkarkees und ihre Auswirkungen Thesis University of Salzburg, 77 p.
Mougin, M.P., 1922 - Avalanches, débâcles et érosions glaciaires Etudes glaciologiques, tome V, Imprimierie nationale, Paris, p.162,163
R.T.M. d'Annecy, 0 - Archives du service R.T.M. d'Annecy
ROHRBACHER, S, 1983 - Volumsänderungen von Gletschern an ausgewählten Beispielen Thesis University of Salzburg

EVENT:  Date  26/7/1945 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Ice avalanches
Description  In 1945 the biggest documented ice avalanche happened when about 5 million m³ of ice came down to the ground of the Käfer valley
Effects:  agricultural damage of wood and pasture land.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  biggest avalanche so far, the picture shows the reconstructed deposit area and the way of the ice avalanche


Type:   Description:
Type:   Description:


KETTNER, G, 1982 - Die Eisstürze vom Nördlichen Bockkarkees und ihre Auswirkungen Thesis University of Salzburg, 77 p.
Mougin, P., 1924 - Avalanches, débâcles et érosions glaciaires. Etudes glaciologiques, tome V, Imprimerie nationale. Paris, p. 161
ROHRBACHER, S, 1983 - Volumsänderungen von Gletschern an ausgewählten Beispielen Thesis University of Salzburg
SLUPETZKY, H, 2002 - Der Eissturz vom Nördlichen Bockkarkees (Hohe Tauern, Glocknergruppe, Käfertal) im Jahr 1945 Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung Universität Graz, Bd. 38 (Wakonigg-Festschrift), S.211-226
SLUPETZKY, H., PURUCKHERR, R. & HOBERG, CH, 1983 - Zur Karte "Nördliches Bockkarkees 1979", 1:10000 Zschr. f. Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 19, Heft 2 (1983), S. 163-171.