France (CEMAGREF, ETNA, ONF-RTM, LGGE-CNRS), Italy (CNR-IRPI, SMS/Nimbus), Norway (UOSLO, NVE), Iceland (UI (IS)), Austria (DGGS), Switzerland (VAW-ETHZ)

Gridabase was implemented by SMS/Nimbus


Risk type: glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)

Glacier list | Statistics

Type:  Outlet glacier
Country:  Iceland
Region:  South Iceland
Massif/Ice Cap:  Vatnajökull
Municipality code:  
Location:  One of the largest Outlet Glacier of the Ice cap Vatnajökull (8100 km2), flowing south. Glacial risk from subglacial Lake Grímsvötn (located in the drainage basin of WGI IS4V00114a) which is situated north of this outlet glacier.
Latitude (°, cent):  64,272
Longitude (°, cent):  17,102
Surface (km2):  1500
Lenght (km):  50
Width (km):  18
Min. altitude (m):  73
Max. altitude (m):  1740
Orientation (°)  195
Slope (°)  1,7

EVENT:  Date  28/2/2002 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. A very small flood, recorded by a barometer and temperature sensor on top of the ice-shelf (4 day running average). The ice shelf subsided less than 10 meters.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0


Type:  None Description:


, - Unpublished data. Science Institute, University of Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  11/4/2002 -  Date quality:Duration: 5 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. A discharge of 450 m3/s was measured on 14 April, 3 days after the start of the jökulhlaup. The peak discharge was reached at 1 pm on 15 April. Conductivity was again increasing on 24 April, but no real increase of discharge was noticed. A small flood, recorded by a barometer and temperature sensor on top of the ice-shelf (4 day running average). The ice shelf subsided approx. 30 meters.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 630 m3/s


Type:  None Description:


, - Unpublished data. National Energy Authority, Reykjavík.
, - Unpublished data. Science Institute, University of Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  11/12/2001 -  Date quality:Duration: 10 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. A very small flood, the ice shelf subsided less than 10 metres. The event was recorded by a barometer and temperature sensor on top of the ice-shelf (4 day running average). The precision water pressure sensor at the lake bottom bed had been destroyed in Oct 2000 due to the ice-shelf sinking onto it.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0


Type:  None Description:


, - Unpublished Data. Science Institute, University of Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  23/9/2001 -  Date quality:Duration: 9 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  2/8/2000 -  Date quality:Duration: 4 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´ N, 17°21´ W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  no damage
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Very small flood, no eruption accompanied the jökulhlaup.



EVENT:  Date  6/11/1999 -  Date quality:Duration: 15 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The ice shelf over Lake Grímsvötn started to subside on 4 November, on 8 November sulphouric smell was noticed. The peak discharge was reached on 16 November. The intruments on top of the ice shelf had been restored in the summer of 1999 and a precise recording of the subsidence of the water level during this event could be recorded. The ice shelf subsided approx. 75 metres.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 1,400 m3/s


Type:  None Description:


, 0 - Unpublished data. National Enery Authority, Reykjavík
, - Unpublished data. Science Institute, University of Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  31/1/1999 -  Date quality:Duration: 5 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. Very small flood. During summer 1998 a precision water measure sensor was set up at the bottom of the lake by drilling through the ice-shelf. But as the instruments (station) on the ice-shelf were destroyed by lightening during the volcanic eruption in December 1998, this event was only recorded by GPS.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0


Type:  None Description:


, - Unpublished data. Science Institute, University of Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  16/2/1998 -  Date quality:Duration: 9 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The ice shelf lowered less than 60 meters. This event was recorded by a datalogger at lake Grímsvötn, recording pressure and temperature an by a submeter GPS.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0


Type:  None Description:


, - Unpublished data. Science Institute, University of Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  4/11/1996 -  Date quality:Duration: 3 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  This extraordinary jökulhlaup was preceeded and indirectly triggered by the Gjálp eruption, which took place in the drainage basin of Grímsvötn from 30 September to 14 October. The meltwater accumulated in the Grímsvötn subglacial lake until it drained into the catastrophic jökulhlaup. About 10.5 hours after the onset of the lake drainage, water emerged from the margin of Skeidarárjökull in the most rapid jökulhlaup ever recorded of Grímsvötn. Discharge increased linearly with time and reached a peak value of 40.000 m3/s in 16 hours and dropped to zero 27 hours later. The total volume of the outburst flood was estimated at 3.6 km3. During the drainage the lake surface subsided by 175 m, and the floating ice cover was reduced from 40 km2 to less than 5 km2. After the eruption, but before the onset of the jökulhlaup, a datalogger that recorded barometric pressure and temperature was set up on the ice-shelf of lake Grímsvötn. The subsidence of the lake was recorded and a hydrograph established.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Floodpath: Skeidará, Sandgígjukvísl, Súla, Núpsvötn; Peak discharge: 40,000 m3/s


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:
Type:  Roads Description:
Type:  Telephon line Description:


Björnsson, Helgi, 2002 - Subglacial lakes and jökulhlaups in Iceland Global and Planetary Change 35
Björnsson, Helgi, 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Gudmundsson, M.T., Sigmundsson, F., Björnsson, H., 1997 - Ice-volcano interaction of the Gjálp subglacial eruption, Vatnajökull, Iceland. Nature, 389
Jóhannesson, T, 2002 - The initiation of the 1996 jökulhlaup from Lake Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull, Iceland. The Extremes of the Extremes. Extraordinary Floods. IASH Publ. No 271
Snorrason, A., Jónsson, P., Pálsson, S., Árnason, S., Sigurdsson, O., Víkingsson, S., Sigurdsson, Á., Zópóníasson, S., 1997 - Hlaupid á Skeidarársandi haustid 1996. Útbreidsla, rennsli og aurburdur. Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  21/3/1996 -  Date quality:Duration: 23 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The event was recorded by the station (logging air temperature and barometric pressure) in Lake Grímsvötn. The lake area before flood was 23 km2, the change in lake level during the event 75 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 3.000 m3/s. Total volume: 1.15 km3.


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  15/1/1995 -  Date quality:Duration: 8 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  3/10/1992 -  Date quality:Duration: 4 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  6/11/1991 -  Date quality:Duration: 48 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The event was recorded by the station (logging air temperature and barometric pressure) in Lake Grímsvötn. The lake area before flood was 22 km2 and the change in lake level during the event 82 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 2.000 m3/s. Total volume: 1.45 km3


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  16/8/1991 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  Three small jökulhlaups:16/8, 15/9, 30/9
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  11/7/1990 -  Date quality:Duration: not sure   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  Peak discharge was reached on the second day: 12 July.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  1/8/1989 -  Date quality:Duration: 2 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  20/8/1988 -  Date quality:Duration: 2 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  10/8/1987 -  Date quality:Duration: 2 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  29/8/1986 -  Date quality:Duration: 13 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  After this jökulhlaup the lake changed as follows: Water level was lowered from 595 to 559 m a.s.l., the lake area was reduced from 16,5 to 10,9 km2, the Volume was reduced from 1.125 Gl to 625 Gl.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The peak discharge was reached right after midnight 30 august. It was estimated to more than 2.000m3/s in river Súla. The discharge diminished the next day, but than increased in river Gígjukvísl. There the peak discharge reached 800 m/s. The total volume of water was 500 Gl.


Type:   Description:


Björnsson, H. and Pálsson, F., 1989 - Rúmmál Grćnalóns og breytingar á stćrđ og tíđni jökulhlaupa. Jökull 39
Sigurdsson, O., Snorrason, Á. and Zóphóníasson, S., 1992 - Jökulhlaupaannáll 1984-1988 (Summery of Jökulhlaups 1984-1988) Jökull 42

EVENT:  Date  21/8/1986 -  Date quality:Duration: 17 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The lake area before flood was 17 km2, the change in lake level during the event was 80 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 2.000 km3/s; Total volume: 1,15 km3


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  15/8/1984 -  Date quality:Duration: 2 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  No discharge measurements available.



EVENT:  Date  16/8/1983 -  Date quality:Duration: 3 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  The peak discharge was reached about 6 a.m. on 17 august. The flood filled all space beneath the bridge (highway no 1), with the largest depth of the river by 4,9 m. The peak discharge was 2.200 m3/s.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Some icebergs came down the flood path, the largest about 1,3 to 1,7 m in diameter. There seemed to be a steady outflow from the lake through the usual flood channel for at least 2 months.



Rist.S., 1984 - Jökulhlaupaannáll 1981, 1982 og 1983 (Summery of Jökulhlaups 1981, 1982 og 1983). Jökull 34

EVENT:  Date  /12/1983 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The lake area before flood was 15 km2, the change in lake level during the event was 42 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 600 m3/s; Total volume: 0,6 km3


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.

EVENT:  Date  28/1/1982 -  Date quality:Duration: 20 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The discharge increased slowly, but obviously from 3 February. The peak discharge was not reached until 12 February. The total volume of the jökulhlaup was 1,2 km3, the area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 22 km2 and the lake level change was 67 m. The water managed to excavate deep into the flow path of the river. Most of the other land was frozen and therefore difficult to erode. At one place beneath the bridge (which was not damaged) the river had a depth of close to 5 metres during peak discharge.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 2,020 m3/s


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Rist, S., 1984 - Jökulhlaupaannáll 1981, 1982 og 1983 (Summery of Jökulhlaups 1981, 1982 og 1983). Jökull 34

EVENT:  Date  10/7/1981 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  This jökulhlaup has increased and decreased very unregulary for a number of days.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The peak discharge was 750m3/s.



Rist, S., 1984 - Jökulhlaupaannáll 1981, 1982 og 1983 (Summery of Jökulhlaups 1981, 1982 og 1983). Jökull 32

EVENT:  Date  7/9/1976 -  Date quality:Duration: 25 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The river discharge increased slowly, but obviously. The peak discharge was not reached until 22 September. The total volume of the jökulhlaup was 1.7 km3. The 909 m long bridge over river Skeidará was built in 1974. This was the first time the bridge was tested in a jökulhlaup. The river channel was up to 5 m deep (24 September 9 am), but the bridge was not damaged.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 3,900 m3/s


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Rist, S., 1976 - Grímsvatnahlaupiđ 1976 (The Grímsvötn-jökulhlaup 1976) Jökull 26

EVENT:  Date  6/8/1973 -  Date quality:Duration: 4 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  The water came down as usually, starting from the south east corner of the lake, flowing south with the western margin of Skeidarájökull. Most of the jökulhlaup flew into river Súla, some into Gígjakvísl.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The discharge was measured to be 1.800 m3/s at 8 p.m. on aug 7th, but by than the jökulhlaup had started to diminish. Therefore the peak discharge is estimated to have been 2.000 m3/s. The most surface discharge of the flood beneath the highway bridge was 4,2 m/s. Discharge had been reduced to 750 m3/s on the morning of aug 8th. The total volume of the flood was 0,2 km3.



Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  13/3/1972 -  Date quality:Duration: 19 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The river discharge increased slowly, but obviously. Sulphuric smell was first noticed on 1 March. The peak discharge was not reached until 24 March. The total volume of the jökulhlaup was first estimated on 3.2 km3, later corrected to 2.1 km m3. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 27 km2. The change in lake level was 106 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 5,000 m3/s; Flood paths: Skeidará, Sandgígjukvísl and Súla


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Rist, S., 1976 - Grímsvatnahlaupiđ 1976 (The Grímsvötn-jökulhlaup 1976) Jökull 26
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  31/8/1965 -  Date quality:Duration: 13 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  The river discharge increased very slowly, it had four times summer discharge 4 September. The peak discharge was reached 7 September. The total volume of the jökulhlaup was 2.5 km3. Sulphouric smell was first noticed in the middle of August. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 29 km2. The change in lake level was 115 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 6,000 m3/s


Type:  Telephon line Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  16/1/1960 -  Date quality:Duration: 11 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected to an eruption. The river discharge increased slowly from 8 January. The peak discharge was reached 24 January. The total volume was 2.1 km3. Sulphouric smell was first noticed in late December the year before. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 30 km2. The change in lake level was 90 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 5,000 to 6,000 m3/s


Type:  None Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  8/7/1954 -  Date quality:Duration: 14 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. This was the first jökulhlaup from Grímsvötn which was observed and studied in details. On 12 july the discharge was already 1,000 m3/s. Two days later the flood reached river Sandgígjukvísl. The discharge in river Skeidará was 2,500 m3/s at that stage. By 15 July the jökulhlaup had burst out from beneath the glacier at 4 places, the telephone line was swept away on 17 July. The peak discharge was reached 18 July with about 6,000 m3/s discharge in river Skeidará and 4,000 m3/s in river Sandgígjukvísl. Sandgígjukvísl drained the water from all 6 outlets west of river Skeidará. Sulphouric smell was first noticed 4 july – on most days during the jökulhlaup it reached areas in western and eastern Iceland, several hundreds of kilometres away. It was so strong, that birds died. Scientists in the area had health problems such as head aches, vision distortions and loss of apetite. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 33 km2. The change in lake level was 130 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 10,000 m3/s; Flood paths: Skeidará, Sandgígjukvísl; Total volume: 3.2 km3; Sediment content: 30 10^6 tons. Amount of sediments in suspension: 13 10^6 tons.


Type:  Telephon line Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  15/10/1951 -  Date quality:Duration: 8 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  This jökulhlaup did (for the first time) occur because the ice was just partly lifted in the south east corner of the lake. Usually the lake water had to reach a higher level to lift all the ice dam. For that reason the lake was only partly emptied, the volume of the flood was less than the years before.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  From 1951 to 1973 jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón usually occurred every single year. They had a typical volume of 0,3 km3. No damages were reported.



Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  11/2/1948 -  Date quality:Duration: 17 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. The river discharge increased slowly, but obviously from 17 February. The peak discharge was reached 23 February. Sulphouric smell was first noticed around New Year. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 27 km2. The change in lake level was 90 m.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: Probably around 5,000 m3/s. The total volume was 2.2 km3.


Type:  Telephon line Description:


Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  16/9/1945 -  Date quality:Duration: 12 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption, but probably associated with volcanic unrest in Grímsvötn. Skarphédinn Jóhannesson was used to travel around the Grímsvötn area in summertime and saw extreme changes in the summer 1945. He indicated that the bottom of the depression (e.g. the lake level of the subglacial lake Grímsvötn) had increased 20 metres since the year before and there were signs of considerable heat at the south side of Mt. Grímsfjall. From 16 September the river discharge increased slowly, but obviously from 17 September. Icebergs reached the outwash plain, the flood had about 4 major outlets beneath the eastern glacier. The total volume of the flood was 2.6 km3. The Grimsvötn ice surface lowered by 100 m. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 32 km2. A sulphoric smell was noticed now and then during all the summer.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Floodpath: Rivers Skeidará, Sandgígjukvísl (on 20 September) and Núpsá. Peak discharge: Approx. 10,000 m3/s


Type:  Telephon line Description:


Gudmundsson, M.T., Björnsson, H., Pálsson, F., 1995 - Changes in jökulhlaup sizes in Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull, Iceland, 1934-1991, deducted from in situ measurements of subglacial lake volume. Journal of Glaciology 41 (138)
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  1/5/1941 -  Date quality:Duration: 17 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. This was a small jökulhlaup with a total volume of 1.4 km3. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was less than 25 km2. The change in lake level was 55 m. Lake Grímsvötn obvoiusly had a newly lowered lake level. Fairly small icebergs broke out of the outlet glacier.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0



Björnsson, H., 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  23/7/1939 -  Date quality:Duration: 9 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  26 july the jökulhlaup flowed over fertile land, the next day icebergs reached Skeidarársandur, 28 july the telephoneline was swept away and on 29 july all area between rivers Súla and Blautakvísl was covered with water. On 1 aug the jökulhlaup had diminshed.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The lake (ca. 1,5 km3) emptied. The peak discharge was reached 31 july (10 am) and estimated to have been 4.000 - 5.000 m3/s.



Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  5/7/1939 -  Date quality:Duration: 17 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected with an eruption. One outlet at the very east damaged fences and fertile land near the farm Bćjarstadur. The peak discharge was reached 15 July, but no detailed information exists. Quite small jökulhlaup, just one year after the large flood that followed an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 3,000 m3/s The total volume was 1 km3.


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:
Type:  Telephon line Description:


Gudmundsson, M.T., Björnsson, H., Pálsson, F., 1995 - Changes in jökulhlaup sizes in Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull, Iceland, 1934-1991, deducted from in situ measurements of subglacial lake volume. Journal of Glaciology 41 (138)
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  23/5/1938 -  Date quality:Duration: 16 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain of Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn system. The jökulhlaup started on 23 May. Two days later river Skeidará was 3 km wide. During peak discharge on 26 May almost all Skeidarásandur was flooded. It took the flood several days to fade away. Icebergs coverd the outwash plain (also on the western part of Skeidarásandur). In general they were smaller than in 1934. The Grimsvötn ice surface lowered by 100 m. The area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 27 km2. An eruption in the Grímsvötn volcanic system preceeded the jökulhlaup where 15 km2 of water were produced by melting of the ice.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 25,000 to 30,000 m3/s. The total volume of the flood is estimated to have been 4.7 km3.


Type:  Telephon line Description:


Björnsson, Helgi, 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  5/9/1935 -  Date quality:Duration: 8 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  Peak discharge was reached 12 sep, around 10 am. The morning of 13 sept, the jökulhlaup had diminished.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The lake (ca. 1,5 km3) emptied. The peak discharge was estimated to be 4.000 - 5.000 m3/s.



Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  22/3/1934 -  Date quality:Duration: 16 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain of Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected to an eruption in the Grímsvötn-system, lasting from 30 March to 15 April. On 28 March river Skaftá had a discharge of about 10 times the usual summer discharge. The eastern most outlet was 2.5 km wide and icebergs were carried all the way to ocean. The flood stopped 1 March. The volume of the jökulhlaup was first estimated to be 7 km3, now 4.5 km3. The Grimsvötn ice surface lowered by 160 m, the area of lake Grímsvötn before the flood was 37 km2.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: 25,000 to 30,000 m3/s.


Type:  Telephon line Description:


Björnsson, Helgi, 1997 - Grímsvatnahlaup fyrr og nú (Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn now and in the past). Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  22/9/1922 -  Date quality:Duration: 14 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain of Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area, which followed the jökulhlaup and lasted from 29 September to 23 October. The discharge increased slowly for 6 days before icebergs were carried downstream. The peak discharge was reached 4 October, then the flood faded out within one day. This was a large jökulhlaup with its main outlet on the eastern part of Skeidarársandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Flood path: Skeidará and Súla.



Larsen, G. and Gudmundsson, M.T., 1997 - Gos í eldstöđvum undir Vatnajökli eftir 1200 AD (Eruptions beneath the ice cap Vatnajökull after 1200 AD.) Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  14/4/1913 -  Date quality:Duration: 12 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Not connected to an eruption. Much ice was broken out of the front of the outlet glacier, icebergs as large as houses remained on the outwash plain until June. The main flood went down on the eastern part of Skeidarásandur.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Descriptions differ, but the jökulhlaup was large.



Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  27/5/1903 -  Date quality:Duration: 4 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected to an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area. The river Skeidará was dry until 25 May. Then the discharge increased fast, the water covered half of the Skeidarársandur on 27 May. The next night there were tremendous noises, the earth was shaking and windows of farmhouses broke. Icebergs were carried all the way to the ocean. The jökulhlaup was one of the largest until then, reaching the discharge peak really fast and covering more of the western outwash plain than usually.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The eruption preceeding the jökulhlaup produced a lot of ash and lasted, with some interuptions, for more than 7 months.


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  /11/1898 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  GLOF: This jökulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Grćnalón, situated west of Skeidarájökull. Jökulhlaups from lake Grćnalón flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidarásandur.
Effects:  Grćnalón is said to have reached an area of up to 18 km2. The volume was (1974) estimated to be 1,5 km3.
Deaths(#)  1
Injuried (#)  0
Note  The first jökulhlaup from Grćnalón that is reported and occurred for sure. The farmer Hannes from Núpstöđum saw lake Grćnalón the year after, which was then very low in water level. It had obviously emptied in the jökulhlaup the year before.


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  13/1/1897 -  Date quality:Duration: 10 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected to an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area. This jökulhlaup increased slowly. It burst out from beneath the glacier on 17 January not far from Hördaskrida, a steep moraine south of central Skeidarárjökull. On 18 January the flow rate was still increasing, the peak discharge was reached on 19 January. It took 4 days before the discharge had decreased. Icebergs were spread on a 6 km wide area between Hördaskrida and the Skeidará outlet, some of them more than 20 m high. The river Núpsvötn was unpassable by horse on 17 January. Several icebergs were carried with the flood in river Súla. The flood was starting to fade away late on 19 January. It was smaller than the one in 1892.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Flood paths: Skeidará and Súla.



Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  12/3/1892 -  Date quality:Duration: 4 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Preceeded by an eruption (January 1892) in the Grímsvötn-area as research on ashlayers show. This was one of the largest jökulhlaups in river Skeidará. An increased flow rate in the river Skeidará was first noticed early on 12 March with no dramatic change for the next two days. But during the night to 14 March the jökulhlaup reached its peak discharge with tremendous noise. The next day icebergs were covering the sander all the way to the ocean. On the morning of 15 March the flow rate had decreased and the next day it already seemed possible to cross the river on horseback. But the icebergs were great obstacles: up to 20 m high and very tightly packed. The postrider who was east of Skeidarársandur when the jökulhlaup started tried 4 times to make his way west over the flood area but did not manage to get through until 20 March. He then reached Reykjavik with a precise account on the jökulhlaup from the preast in Sandfell, Ólafur Magnússon, which was later published in the icelandic news "Isafold". It is likely that the jökulhlaup reached the western part of Skeidarásandur on the morning of 13 March. Even though it did not last long, a tremendous amount of water had come down. East of Mt. Lómagnúpur was a 4 km wide water channel with a lot of icebergs covering all the sandur towards the ocean.This jökulhlaup was one of the greatest that men could remember at that time. Mud was spread over the flooded area and was unusually thick. South of the main flood outlet, icebergs, up to 20 m high, covered a 7 km wide region. Melting icebergs and quick sand made it difficult to cross the Skeidarásandur for several months after the flood.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Peak discharge: About 30,000 m3/s


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Larsen, G. and Gudmundsson, M.T., 1997 - Gos í eldstöđvum undir Vatnajökli eftir 1200 AD (Eruptions beneath the ice cap Vatnajökull after 1200 AD.) Haraldsson, H. (Ed.), Vatnajökull. Gos og hlaup 1996. Icelandic Public Roads Administration, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  6/1/1873 -  Date quality:Duration: not sure   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area, which started on 8 Jan. The ash was carried to the North of Iceland, Skagafjördur. This jökulhlaup was fairly small. The discharge in the river Súla increased right after the beginning of the jökulhlaup in river Skeidará.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Flood Path: Skeidará and Súla. Several handwritten manuscripts and letters quote this jökulhlaup - many of them were published in the icelandic newspapers (Norđanfari, Íslafold, Ţjóđólfur).


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  27/8/1867 -  Date quality:Duration: 13 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area. Quite large jökulhlaup, which faded on the 4. day. Icebergs were carried down to Skeidarásandur, which was all covered by water. Destroyed fertile land in the western part of the area "Örćfasveit".
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  This jökulhlaup accompanied a sulphorous smell which was noticed all the way to the western part of the country (Borgarfjördur, ca. 250 km away from the outwash plain). An eruption in the area of Grímsvötn started on 29 august.


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  23/5/1861 -  Date quality:Duration: not sure   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  Probably connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area. This was a large jökulhlaup, which destroyed much land close to the farms Svínafell, Hof and Hofsnes. Icebergs and large quicksand areas (cettle holes) formed in the flood path. Birds died.
Deaths(#)  0
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Flood path: Skeidará, probably Núpsvötn. Peak discharge: probably 20,000 - 30,000 m3/s


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  /10/1684 -  Date quality:   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The jökulhlaup originated from the subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) which is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  The autumn of 1684 an eruption started beneath Vatnajökull, close to Grímsvötn. It lasted into the next year. A tremendous jökulhlaup started to flow north, into river jökulsá, where one man was killed. 200 sheep and 14 horses were killed, boats destroyed.
Deaths(#)  1
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Several handwritings, written around 1685 describe this eruption and the following jökulhlaup. The most detailed is from Jón Sigurdsson; Íslandslýsing.


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  //1629 -  Date quality:Duration: about 5 days   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  The subglacial lake Grímsvötn (64°25´N, 17°21´W) is situated within the caldera floor of the Grímsvötn volcano. Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn flow beneath Skeidarárjökull a distance of 50 km to the terminus at the outwash plain Skeidarársandur.
Effects:  No date/month known. Connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area, pumice and ash fell over the area. Then a huge jökulhlaup started, where at least five enormous flood streams fled over Skeidarársandur. Fertile land was flooded, one family died and at least one man was isolated 5 days on a high hill in the floodarea, lucky to survive.
Deaths(#)  4
Injuried (#)  0
Note  Sigurdur Thorarinsson got the description of this jökulhlaup from an old handwritten manuscript of the bishop Gísli (Análl Gísla biskups). Gisli himself heard it from Brandur Petursson who lived closed to the Skeidarásandur.


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Thorarinsson, Sigurdur, 1974 - Vötnin stríd (The swift flowing rivers. The history of Grímsvötn jökulhlaups and eruptions.) Menningarsjódur, Reykjavík

EVENT:  Date  //1598 -  Date quality:No date and duration known   

Type:  Glacier flood (contain both lakes and water pocket)
Description  Connected with Connected with an eruption in the Grímsvötn-area.
Injuried (#)  


Type:  Farmland, fertile land Description:


Gísli biskup Oddson, 1637 - Annalium in Islandia farrago.