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Italian Journal of Meteorology, Climatology and Glaciology
Società Meteorologica Italiana

All the following links connect to pages in italian.
List of published articles (italian)
One article in  integral form (italian)
Articles from Nimbus 17/18
Articles from Nimbus 19/20

All the following links connect to pages in english
Order form 
Contact us
Media Kit
The books reviews section 

High quality illustrated italian journal in the field of meteorology, climatology and related sciences, published quarterly, spreading 3000 copies (2800 in country, 200 worldwide), to members  and libraries. The main journal sections are:

pallinorosso.gif (879 byte) Articles about meteorology, climatology, glaciology and their interactions with the human activities

pallinorosso.gif (879 byte) Meteorological Report for western Alps, northern Appennine, Lombardia.

pallinorosso.gif (879 byte) The columns: reviews of italian and non-italian books, announcement of international conferences, reviews of meteorological sites in Internet, and so on...

The languages used are mainly italian and, for some articles, french. 

To order Nimbus

To see more, follow these links (in italian):

Order form (english) 
Media Kit


To receive Nimbus it is sufficient to pay the annual member fee of ITL 80.000 - EU 41,31 (special fee for people ouside Italy). With this fee you became a member of Società Meteorologica Italiana, and can partecipate  to association's activities. 

The subscription is valid for the current year, and has a retroactive effect. For example, if you subscribe in April, you will receive the copies published since January. To order


Indice dei fascicoli If you want more, it is still possible to purchase the entire Nimbus collection, exceptional and exclusive collection of meteorology

Fourtheen issues of wich six double, more than eight hundred pages of meteorology, more then 1500 color photos, images, tables and graphs.

All the data about the most important meteorological italian events since 1993, and comparisons with the events of the past.  

The number 8 is out of print, it is available a version in CD ROM or in photocopy b/w. 


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