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Dmg , 2012
28 pagine, A colori, libro fotografico,
cop. in brossura, dim. 42 x 28 cm .
Sconto di € 1 per i soci SMI 

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Giudizio Recensione

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DESCRIZIONE (a cura dell'Editore)

12 belle fotografie meteorologiche di grande formato, più la copertina, ci accompagnano mese per mese durante tutto il nuovo anno. Sul retro di ogni pagina troviamo un ampio commento bilingue (inglese e tedesco) relativo all’argomento rappresentato dalla fotografia del mese, con molte altre informazioni meteorologiche e climatiche. Non solo un calendario, quindi, ma un vero e proprio libretto ricco di informazioni, da conservare e collezionare. Un corposo lavoro curato da un team europeo di specialisti, con la supervisione dell’ European Meteorological Society.




Teide Hat,
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
28 September 2011

Photographer: Iván Medina Delli

El Teide provides not only a geographic reference for the inhabitants of the island of Tenerife, it has also long been valued as an indicator of changes in the weather conditions over the Canary Islands. When its 3,718 metres-high summit presents a 'hat', the majestic Mount Teide is usually indicating the immediate arrival of a front or atmospheric instability during the next 24 to 48 hours. The hat is created when sunshine heats the mountain flanks and enables the air to rise. If the air contains sufficient moisture, it condenses above and forms a cloud. When there is virtually no wind, the cloud remains at the mountain summit and covers it like a hat. 



Banner cloud over the north face of the Eiger
21 July 2011

Photographer: José Antonio Quirantes Calvo

The picture shows a cloud that is typical for isolated mountains: a banner cloud over the north face of the Eiger. The Glossary of Meteorology published by the American Meteorological Society (AMS) defines the banner cloud as follows: “A cloud plume often observed to extend downwind from isolated, sharp, often pyramid-shaped mountain peaks, even on otherwise cloud-free days. The Matterhorn and Mount Everest are two notable peaks where banner clouds have been frequently observed. The aerodynamics of the flow around the peak produces flow separation and dynamically induced pressure reductions to the lee of the mountain peaks. The magnitude of the leeside pressure deficits increases with height to a maximum near the top of the peak, producing an upslope pressure gradient and upslope flow along the lee slope of the mountain. When the air near the base of the mountain is sufficiently moist, it ascends in the upslope flow, condenses, and forms a triangular-shaped cloud, the banner cloud, to the lee of the peak.”


Aurora Borealis
, Tromsø, Norge
31 December 2011

Photographer: Hanneke Luijting

This image was taken on the last day of 2011, on a cold and clear night. Even after four years in Tromsø, I never get bored of chasing the beautiful aurora borealis. Also known as the northern lights, this is a natural light display that occurs when streams of charged particles from the sun’s solar wind collide with the earth’s atmosphere in the polar regions. On this evening, I had been taking photos of the northern lights reflected in the fjord, but as the lights got weaker I decided to go home. On my way to the car, I suddenly spotted this photogenic cabin. While I was setting up my tripod and taking some photos, the skies suddenly went crazy - one of the brightest aurora I'd ever seen, dancing all over the sky. I felt so lucky! It was an incredible moment, and I was very happy to capture it together with the picturesque old cabin. Who needs fireworks when the sky has its own light show? If it weren’t for the cabin, I would have missed the show!

Hanneke Luijting


Signs in the sky, Tenerife, Canary Islands,

6 October 2011

Photographer: Iván Medina Delli

During this evening, spectacular altocumulus lenticularis clouds formed above the coast on the eastern side of Tenerife, on the leeside of the mountains. They are illuminated by the evening sun and display numerous filigree-like cloud parts. These clouds remained stationary for several hours, while changing their shapes. Many residents within the area noticed what was happening up in the sky, staring spellbound at the amazing clouds above. The clouds continued to form astonishing shapes for some time, as we can see in this photograph. The airplane in front of this spectacular cloud gives this image a special touch.
Iván Medina Delli


Light touch, La Romieu, Collegiate Church Saint-Pierre, Gascogny, southwest France
10 May 2010

Photographer: Pierre-Paul Feyte

Like a long arm, the lightning appears to reach out and touch the two towers of the monastery church from the 14th century and spectacularly illuminates them. This is inter-cloud lightning, i.e. the electrical discharge occurs from cloud to cloud.  – “As the ice particles within a cloud (called hydrometeors) grow and interact, they collide, fracture and break apart. It is thought that the smaller particles tend to acquire positive charge, while the larger particles acquire more negative charge. These particles tend to separate under the influences of updrafts and gravity until the upper portion of the cloud acquires a net positive charge and the lower portion of the cloud becomes negatively charged. This separation of charge produces enormous electrical potential both within the cloud and between the cloud and ground. This can amount to millions of volts, and eventually the electrical resistance in the air breaks down and a flash begins.”   



Highway to heaven, Crni Kal Viaduct, Slovenia,

17 January 2011

Photographer: Marko Korosec

The viaduct, which is situated 20 kilometres east of the Slovenian coastal town of Koper, spans the valley at a height of around 87 metres. In January 2011, Slovenia experienced more than ten days of cloudless but nevertheless mild high-pressure weather. As a result of nocturnal irradiation, the air masses close to the ground cooled down and moisture condensed to form widespread patches of fog, which in the valleys also did not dissipate during the day. Although the motorway is illuminated by the morning sun, it still appears to vanish into the fog – like a highway to heaven. Further photos are available at


Clouds at the edge of space,
Kilwinning, Scotland, UK,

3 July 2011, 01:15 UTC

Photographer: Bill Ward

Delicate, cirrus-like noctilucent clouds cover the northern sky. They are illuminated by the sun that is situated far beyond the horizon, which explains their appearance in summer during the midnight hours. From the 2000 Meteorological Calendar: The clouds form at heights of around 80 kilometres where very little water vapour exists. Therefore, in order that the ice clouds can nevertheless form, the temperature has to fall below -130°C and condensation nuclei must be available, e.g. from volcanic eruptions. The respective mesopause layers are only cold enough in summer to compensate for the warmth of the earth's surface and the troposphere. This likewise explains the restriction southward (in the northern hemisphere): the further the clouds travel towards the equator, the further they move into warmer regions of the mesopause and so the ice crystals dissolve.


Haboob near Phoenix, Arizona, USA
4 July 2011, evening

Photographer: Chris Voyles

This is an example of one of many dust storms in the metropolitan area of Phoenix, AZ, USA on 4 and 5 July 2011. The photograph overleaf was taken near Maricopa, about 50 kilometres south of Phoenix, in the evening of 4 July 2011. This haboob produced little precipitation locally, but gusts of up to 65 mph (= 104 km/h) and intense dust uplift for about 1.5 hours. The lifting of moist warm air by the approaching dust front leads to the formation of a clearly visible shelf cloud. 

Peter Knippertz


Cumulonimbus capillatus, thunderstorm cloud, Tarxien, Malta

3 October 2011

Photographer: Clinton Caruana

This cloud with a ‘cap’ developed above the western Mediterranean and Malta in a weakly defined cold pocket aloft with a pressure of 500 hectopascal (= 5.6 km altitude). In ombination with warm, moist air at the lower air levels, which was fuelled by the warm Mediterranean Sea, this created considerable atmospheric instability. This led to the formation of very isolated clouds with extremely large vertical extents, such as this cloud, which probably extended to more than 10 kilometres in height. They were able to grow to such heights because no wind shear occurred (change in the wind speed or direction with height).


The column
(Virga = precipitation trail), Acedera, Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain
24 April 2011

Photographer: Juan Pablo Cerro Bermejo

As the sun began to set, a rain shower produced this wonderful view. Illuminated by the warm light, the impressive column of rain developed on the edge of a thunderstorm and is accompanied by a faint rainbow. Such precipitation trails develop in clouds with significant vertical extent in which precipitation is initially produced in the form of snow or graupel, and in summer often as hail. As it falls the precipitation then melts in warmer air and arrives on the ground as pelting rain. When there is very dry air, for example, in steppe and desert regions, the precipitation trails often do not reach the ground because the precipitation already evaporates as it falls.


Glory (Brocken Spectre) from the Cliffs of Moher, west coast of Ireland
16 February 2011

Photographer: Sean Tomkins

A Glory, a Brocken Spectre, is a rare optic phenomenon when a person standing on a higher altitude with the sun directly behind him can see his own shadow cast onto a cloud at a lower level. The shadow is often surrounded by rings of coloured light – the glory. This phenomenon causes the circular rainbow-like bands around the shadow by both diffraction and diffusion of light at the small fog droplets. Historically there were many sightings in the Harz mountains in Germany and its highest peak called Brocken. This is the story behind this photo: one morning I found myself on the Atlantic coast in dense fog. With no sign of it clearing, I thought that at 214 metres high the Cliffs of Moher should be above the fog. Finally out came my camera having found a good position. As I walked closer to the edge my shadow was cast onto the fog. Suddenly a ‘rainbow’ started to appear around my shadow – the ‘glory’. 

Sean Tomkins


The land of Fairy Tales, Conco, Italy
5 December 2011

Photographer: Vittorio Poli

One December evening I was coming down a mountain in the Asiago plateau (Province of Vicenza in the Vento region of Italy), from an altitude of about 1000 metres to the place where I live in the Italian Alps, when my attention was suddenly drawn to a sea of fog that was slowly enveloping the surrounding landscape. The small town of Conco, where I live, was shrouded in fog like a floating island. I stood and watched the spectacle in awe. Deeply moved by what I saw, I took this picture …perhaps of the most beautiful I’ve ever taken.

Vittorio Poli


Mother of pearl clouds, turn of the year 2011/12, Hafjell near Lillehammer, Norway

Photographer: Sören Liebsch

The photos were taken shortly after sunset looking from Hafjelltoppen towards the west. The temperature was -15°C and it was almost windless. These clouds are also called polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). These spectacular, lustrous and colourfully iridescent clouds form in winter at heights between 22 and 27 kilometres. They form as soon as the air at these heights falls below the -80 °C threshold. This happened on this day: the charts analysed by the European Centre for Medium-Term Weather Forecasting showed a minimum temperature of -88°C at heights of around 23 km above southern Sweden. Such clouds were first described in 1870, several years before the eruption of the Krakatoa Volcano in 1883, whose plume of ash and gases is believed to have considerably cooled down the stratosphere.




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